Genome Healing

Powerful mind/body healing techniques to transform your life

Genome Healing uses powerful quantum mind/body healing techniques to release physical and emotional stress at the cellular level of the body and the subconscious level of the mind. It is often our hidden subconscious thoughts and beliefs which create our reality and attract our experiences. Change these subconscious thoughts and belief and we have the power to change our reality.

Cancer and many illnesses have been shown to have a direct link to an emotional trauma or event. These simple methods take us directly to the cellular level to effortlessly release any underlying traumas and restore optimal function.

Benefits of Genome Healing

  • Heal and enhance relationships
  • Attract love into your life
  • Unite the masculine and feminine energies within your body
  • Give your organs a voice
  • Unlock the emotional connection to physical illness
  • Release traumas without going into the ‘story’ of past events
  • Transform energy
  • Recreate your reality

Unite the masculine and feminine within you

At the moment of conception our first cell is created by the union of the male sperm and the female egg. Genetic cellular memory from our parents and ancestors before them is carried down with every cell as it divides to eventually create our own unique human body. If there is conflict between this masculine and feminine energy, which could trace back many generations, there may be conflict within our body and our mind. This conflict may affect not only our mental wellbeing, but also our physical health.

Using simple visualization processes and techniques to transform subconscious thoughts, beliefs and memories, we’re able to release tension and conflict, bring harmony to the masculine and feminine within the cells, organs and systems of our body and create a sense of union and oneness.

Attract the love that you desire into your life

The Genome Healing relationship balance allows you to tune in to negative patterns between your own masculine and feminine energies within that may have even been carried down from your grandparents, great grandparents or even further back. We can gently remove anything that is in the way of bringing more depth, understanding, connection and bliss to the relationships in your life. It also helps you to dissolve hurts, barriers and defenses and open the doors of your heart for new love to walk into your life.

During the relationship balance most people are very surprised to realise many of the emotions they have been feeling from there partner, or lack of partner, have actually been held within them all along. Finding where these emotions have been held within their body and subconsious mind, and transforming them, empowers them to make shifts and recreate the love they have been desiring. Often changes in their lives and relationships will occur spontaneously and seemingly miraculously.

Communicate with your own organs

Who would have thought this was possible or useful! Just now, think of something that causes you stress. Where do you feel it in your body. Well low and behold, every organ and every system in our body can hold stressful emotions and cause dis-ease. But using simple genome healing techniques we listen to the organs, we release trapped emotions and energetic blockages and create a whole new healthy environment for thriving. Most people are very surprised what their organs tell them!

What happens in a Genome Healing session?

Sitting down comfortably, you will tune in to any area of your physical, mental or emotional self that is not functioning optimally. We then use a number of processes to transform any subconscious thoughts or beliefs, genetic and cellular memory that may be holding you back. In essence, just like a computer, we delete all that is not functioning optimally and provide a whole new blueprint for optimal function.

Book a Genome Healing Session