Surviving the Pandemic … and Thriving. Click on the pic and download your free copy!

Overcome Disease and Illness, Regain Optimum Health

Part 1 summarizes all of the remedies and methods most relevant for COVID-19:

* The most powerful methods to quickly kill pathogens
* COVID-19 suggestions from doctors and practitioners who saved my life and have been treating this illness successfully since it began.
* Powerful immunotherapies to repair and strengthen our own immune system.
* Techniques to release stress, fear, energetic blockages, cellular and genetic memory in our body


Many treatments are proving to have almost 100% success rate preventing and treating COVID-19 including:
* Oxidative therapies
* Hydroxychloroquine
* Ivermectin
* Orthomolecular medicine and many more

Overcoming disease and illness

In Part 2 of this book I provide a detailed extensive list of medical, natural and alternative healing methods I have used to successfully overcome a lifetime of chronic and life-threatening illnesses.  Links to practitioners and vital resources are included.

Most people don’t realise their illness could be easily eliminated.  There are many great doctors and specialists finding the answer to illnesses and disease, while others claim some of these underlying causes or treatments for ill-health are false.  Yet the results speak for themselves.  Unfortunately, many of these so-called experts send their patients home very sick, tell them they are fine and it’s all in their mind.

What are the most effective ways to protect yourself from COVID-19? How can we protect ourselves from the increasing number of disease outbreaks in the future?

This book is an extract of Di’s full story of healing; Quantum Health, My Journey back from Lyme, Cancer and Chronic Illness.

Quantum Health: Available now from all bookstores and online including;

A story of courage and healing, and our limitless human potential

Within each of us is a powerful force capable of transforming our physical reality. Follow Dianne Ellis through the adventures and profound healing experiences of her life; adoption and death, homebirth in the forest, a crazed gunman, surfing adventures with shark attacks and coaching her daughter to an Australian title.

Seriously ill, with only a diagnoses of anxiety, Di is forced to revisit the traumas of her childhood and discovers powerful mind/body healing techniques. In her desperate bid to regain health she is drawn into the underworld of alternative healing. Here she finds home remedies and medical breakthroughs that save her life.

When she experiences Genome Healing her whole life is transformed. The door to a beautiful, parallel world filled with health and new love is unlocked. Learn how to listen to your body, transform hurt and grief, and activate your body’s own self-healing mechanisms. Recreate a life that you desire, filled with optimum health and happiness.

About the Author

Dianne Ellis has studied extensively the emotional, genetic and environmental connection to physical illness. An expert in mind/body healing she has an intricate understanding of how stress, hidden pathogens, and our experiences, can shape our whole self and well-being. Di is a Genome Healing and Breathwork practitioner, PSYCH-K® facilitator, health coach and radio host. Having overcome her own ill-health and trauma, Di is well placed to assist readers to lead an enriching life.

 Page photo by Di Ellis; Lily and a dolphin

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