Get Well and Thrive Self Healing Protocol

What will you learn?

You will learn how to listen to what your own body and your inner self are actually needing. Guided through many simple yet powerful self healing processes, you will be able to release and transform blocked energy and emotions in your body. You will gain an understanding of how your subconscious mind and emotions affect your life and your whole reality.
You will reconnect to the strength within yourself, within your own soul, and you will and learn to live from this place of strength each day, allowing more love, joy and health to fill your life.

Targeted Audience

This protocol is for anyone who would like to empower themselves, take control of their own health & wellbeing and bring more love and joy into their lives.

Materials Included

Health options
Breathwork sessions
Get Well and Thrive Book

Requirements for Health Options

You may choose to participate in all or some of the health options throughout the protocol. And you may choose alternatives if you wish. More details are listed within the protocol.

Diet; fresh whole foods
Water purification: $30
Cleansing herbal teas $30-60
Bicarb soda $5-50
Gene activation supplement: $70-140
Cell health: $200-400
Immune activator: $40-90
Parasite meds: $10-100
Essential oils $20-100
Energy healing $90-500
Amino acids $50